Gizmo! (1977) – IMDb
USING THE COMPILATION method of filmmaking, the freely edited use of old newsreel film is strung together; bringing us a ‘brand new’ product. The selection of the title of ‘GIZMO’ denotes mechanical inventions. But the production team extends the perimeter of interest to include certain instances where humans function as would an invention.
THIS IS PROBABLY a fine example of what has been called “Camp” humor. What was dead serious yesterday, can be and often is, quite laughable. Because we have the benefit of hindsight, which is always 20-20, to see what was the folly of hopeful, young inventors of 50, 60 or even longer ago.
WHAT UNFOLDS BEFORE our very eyes is a parade of failed multi-layered winged airplanes, athletic “improvement” devices and every sort of outlandish device imaginable. Among our favourites is a revolutionary ‘flying’ machine; which employed a series of flapping umbrella-like half cube globes. They pulled down fiercely and were, theoretically supposed to create an upward heading column of air; which would (again theoretically) lift the vehicle upward. It didn’t.
AMONG THE “HUMAN” machines we have is an old time strongman who catches cannonballs as they are being fired from a piece of archaic artillery.
NOW, JUST YOU think. What a great 3rd Baseman that guy could’ve been!