Gina Wingood | Columbia Public Health

Gina M. Wingood, ScD, MPH, is the Sidney and Helaine Lerner Professor of Public Health Promotion, Director of the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion, Director of the Health Communication Certificate, Director of the T32 on Social Determinants of HIV, and Co-Director of the HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies. Dr. Wingood is a distinguished researcher and academic leader in the health promotion field, with decades of expertise designing, evaluating, and disseminating interventions that reduce health disparities in HIV. Dr. Wingood dedicated her life to developing gender- and culturally tailored HIV prevention interventions for African American women. She has received international acclaim for her research on social determinants of health and was previously featured in Science as a highly-funded African American NIH grant recipient. Dr. Wingood’s Sisters Informing Sisters about Topics in AIDS (SISTA) intervention and five other HIV prevention interventions have been endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and implemented widely across the country and globally. She has been invited twice as a speaker to the White House to share her experience with evidence-based, HIV interventions. Dr. Wingood published over 350 peer-reviewed articles across a wide array of public health and medical journals and served as Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator on over 20 grants funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

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