sweeting – Translation into English – examples Dutch | Reverso Context

Mrs Sweeting went missing from the Rochdale area in 1991.

When Sweeting was ruined you bought his boatyard.

I can confirm that we have found and identified, using dental records, the body of Mandy Sweeting

Mrs Sweeting , this will be a completely new investigation.

They only ever looked at Gary Sweeting

Thank you for giving us more of your time, Mr Sweeting

You knew it was Mandy Sweeting in the mortuary.

Je wist dat het Mandy Sweeting was in het mortuarium.

Je wist dat het Mandy Sweeting was in het mortuarium.

You think it might be Mandy Sweeting

We’ll kick off with Mandy Sweeting , reviewing lines of inquiry, looking for opportunities to gain new evidence.

Your dad just accuses, Sweeting just denies.

“A night of passion with Mr Sweeting , me thinks.”

Mrs Sweeting , this is a hard thing to be asked, and you don’t have to answer now – just think about it.

Gary Sweeting zou nog leven als het recht zijn loop had gehad, dus ik denk dat het goed is om kwaad te zijn over foute dingen.

Gary Sweeting might still be alive if justice had been done, so I think it’s worth raging about things if they’re wrong.

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