Streamer Lyly Sury profile: Age/ Email/ Phone and Zodiac sign

Streamer Lyly Sury profile: Age/ Email/ Phone and Zodiac sign

Streamer Lyly Sury profile

Who is Streamer Lyly Sury?
Lyly Sury, whose real name is Nguyen Thi Huong Ly, is a well-known streamer in the Lien Quan community. Stream, is a job that Lyly is very passionate about, and she is always happy to live her passion.
As a female streamer, you need to know how to always look beautiful on screen. Not only that, the pressure from family and community that any female streamer must have the courage to overcome. It can be said that being a streamer is no different from “marriage of hundreds”, and passion is the driving force that helps them overcome everything.
Streamer is a job that Lyly is very passionate about and happy to do. Live and make money with passion. Lyly loves to sing, she tries to sing on facebook, plays games and sings for everyone. Surprisingly, Lyly’s voice was praised and supported by many people. Previously, she was a freelance actress, when she stopped working as an actress and happened to be introduced as a streamer, she gave it a try. In addition, Ly also likes to play games, so when she works as a streamer, she feels very excited. Having been a streamer for 2 years, this job has brought Lyly a lot of things.
As a streamer, sometimes it is inevitable that there will be malicious comments or solicitations from viewers. Sometimes she also feels sad, but then she thinks that because of the nature of the job, like “marriage of a hundred families”, it is impossible to please all of them right away. And then she became familiar and attached to the job until now.
According to Lyly, the factors leading to the success of a streamer are many, but it is important to have passion, curiosity, and cultivate self-improvement and always make yourself new. In the near future, Lyly plans to develop more music. In addition to streaming games, she wants to make many quality music products for the future.



Close relationship

Who is Boy friend/ husband/ darling Streamer Lyly Sury?


Body measurements of

How tall is Streamer Lyly Sury? What Lyly Sury’s weight?
Height: 1m63
Weight: about 49 kg
Three measurements: updating

Summary of Lyly Sury profile

When was Streamer Lyly Sury born?
Lyly Sury birthday 21-9-1996 (at the age of 26).
Where is Streamer Lyly Sury’s birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Lyly Sury was born in Ha Tinh, of Vietnam. Ms working and living in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is Virgo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rat.
Lyly Sury’s global rank is 511 and whose rank is 34 in list of famous Streamer. Population of Vietnam in 1996 is about 73,16 millions persons.

Special event in 21-9-1996: John F. Kennedy, Jr., married Carolyn Bessette.

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Photos/ Images

Streamer portrait photo Lyly Sury
Streamer portrait photo Lyly Sury
New image of streamer Lyly Sury
New image of streamer Lyly Sury
Lyly Sury is a famous female streamer in the Vietnamese Union community
Lyly Sury is a famous female streamer in the Vietnamese Union community
Image of female streamer Lyly Sury showing off her sexy look
Image of female streamer Lyly Sury showing off her sexy look
Latest photo of streamer Lyly Sury
Latest photo of streamer Lyly Sury

Streamer portrait photo Lyly SuryNew image of streamer Lyly SuryLyly Sury is a famous female streamer in the Vietnamese Union communityImage of female streamer Lyly Sury showing off her sexy lookLatest photo of streamer Lyly Sury

Lyly Sury ranking


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