Storm Surge Maximum Envelope of Water (MEOW)

Storm Surge Maximum Envelope of Water (MEOW)


1. Overview

The Maximum Envelope of Water (MEOW) provides a worst case basin snapshot
for a particular storm category, forward speed, trajectory, and initial tide
level, incorporating uncertainty in forecast landfall location. These products
are compiled when a

The Maximum Envelope of Water (MEOW) provides a worst case basin snapshot for a particular storm category, forward speed, trajectory, and initial tide level, incorporating uncertainty in forecast landfall location. These products are compiled when a SLOSH basin is developed or updated. MEOWs are not storm specific and are available to view in the SLOSH display program for all operational basins. No single hurricane will produce the regional flooding depicted in the MEOWs. Instead, the product is intended to capture the worst case high water value at a particular location for hurricane evacuation planning.

Next:  Product Description

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