Shin Ye Kim, Ph.D. | People | Psychological Sciences | TTU

Shin Ye Kim, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


Email: [email protected]

Phone: (806) 834-4304

Office:  302, Lab: 203 A, B

Lab webpage: KIM Lab

302,203 A, B

Dr. Shin Ye Kim

Research Interests

I am an Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology in the Department of Psychological
Sciences at Texas Tech University. I completed my doctoral training in Counseling
Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (APA-accredited) with a minor
in Educational Statistics and Measurement in 2016 and an APA-accredited internship
at NYC Health + Hospitals|Kings County, part of the largest public health care system
in the United States. In addition, I previously completed a Master’s Degree in Prevention
Science and Practice at Harvard Graduate School of Education and a Bachelor’s Degree
in Education at Busan National University of Education in South Korea.

My research program focuses on investigating contextual factors related to the intersection
of work, family, and health (psychological health and chronic pain conditions) in
diverse populations with two overarching lines of inquiry: 1) how cultural, linguistic,
social, and interpersonal dynamics influence pain experience and opioid use and 2)
how two major life roles — work and family — independently and collectively influence
health and how these phenomena occur and are influenced by cultural factors (gender
role, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, and age).

My clinical work has focused on serving underserved and underrepresented individuals
with histories of severe mental health issues as well as chronic pain conditions.
My doctoral clinical training was completed at academic medical centers, public and
community hospitals in three different cities in Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Madison and
Racine. My master’s clinical training was at an urban high school in Boston.  Additional
work fundamental to my identity as a clinician is the four years of psychoanalytic
training at the Wisconsin and Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute during my doctoral
training. I am excited to bring the depth and breadth of my clinical experience to
the next generations of psychologists.

Beyond my work as an instructor, mentoring students has become extremely important
to me. I run an active research team consisting of several doctoral and undergraduate
students, who have broad aspirations, including becoming psychologists, pathologists,
oncologists, psychiatrists, pharmacists, dentists and health care researchers. I am
proud to say that this is one of the most fulfilling aspects of my job. I feel strongly
about the importance of collaborating with students as well as scholars in diverse
disciplines. I involve graduate students in research early in their training using
both the “apprentice model” and “junior colleague model” based on their developmental
level. I have received excellent mentorship, understand its importance, and I am committed
to “paying it forward.”

Outside of Academia, I love being in nature, from small adventures exploring local
parks to longer voyages to state and national parks. Recently, I have gotten back
into playing piano and enjoy listening to the works of Chopin and Rachmaninoff, whose
work impresses me every time I hear it. The intersection of quantum physics, psychotherapy
and Buddhism is also a subject of my musings, and I hope to write a piece on this
subject when I get closer to retirement. I practice Seon Meditation and love reading
and discussing anything about it.

Selected Publications

Peer Reviewed Journals

*Denotes graduate student status ** Denotes undergraduate student status

Kim, H.J, Kim, S.Y., Duffy, R., *Nguyen, N., Wang, D. (in-press). A cross-cultural comparison of the
Psychology of Working Theory among U.S. and Korean college students. Journal of Counseling Psychology

Kim, S. Y., Shigemoto, Y., & *Neduvelil, A. (2019). Survive or Thrive? Longitudinal Relation Between
Chronic Pain and Well-Being. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1-13.

*Daheim, J., Kim, S.Y, *Neduvelil, A., & *Nguyen, N. (2019). Men, chronic pain, and prescription pain medication
use: The role of gender role beliefs in a longitudinal moderated mediation model. Pain Medicine. doi:10.1093/pm/pnz200

Kim, S. Y., Lee, J., Wester, S. R., & Fouad, N. (2019). Do “manly” men believe other men are happier?
Social comparison, masculine norms, and positive work–family spillover. Psychology of Men & Masculinities. Advance online publication.

Nam, J.S., & Kim, S.Y. (2019). Decent work in South Korea: Context, conceptualization, and assessment. Journal of Vocational Behavior.

* Boone, D., & Kim, S. Y. (2019). Family Strain, Depression, and Somatic Amplification in Adults with Chronic
Pain. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1-10.

Kim, S. Y., Velez, B. L., *Daheim, J., & Lei, N (2018). Validation of the Work Family Conflict
Scale for Sexual Minority Employees. Journal of Career Assessment, 1-16.

Kim, S. Y., Fouad, N.A, & Lee, J.(2018). The roles of work and family in men’s lives: Testing
the social cognitive model of career self-management. Journal Vocational Behavior, 106, 153-164.

Fouad, N., Ghosh, A., Santana, M., Kim, S. Y., Young, G., & Oplet, B. (2017). First to Second Year of College Persistence: A Review
and Recommendations. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Student Retention.

Kim, S.Y, Fouad, N., Maeda, H., Xie, H., Nazan, N. (2017) Mid-life Work and Psychological Well-
being: A Test of the Psychology of Working Theory. Journal of Career Assessment. 1-12.
doi: 10.1177/1069072717714538

Kim, S.Y, Ahn, T.Y., & Fouad, N.A. (2016). Family Influence on Korean Students’ Career Decisions:
A Social Cognitive Perspective. Journal of Career Assessment. 1-14. DOI: 10.1177/1069072715599403

Fouad, N.A., Kim, S.Y, Ghosh, A., Chang,W., & Figueiredo, C. (2015) Family Influence on Career Decision
Making: Validation in India and the US. Journal of Career Assessment doi:10.1177/1069072714565782

Ahn, T., & Kim, S.Y. (2013). The structural relationship between career decision-making self- efficacy,
career indecision, career preparation behavior, career satisfaction, and life satisfaction:
Centering around college students in Busan. The Journal of Vocational Education Research 1- 22, 32, 6.

Book Chapters

Beatrice, J., Graling, K., Hall, K., Kim, S., Lustig, K., Moebus, P., & Plocha (2013). In S. Lamb, Sex Ed for Caring Schools: Creating an Ethics-Based Curriculum (chapters 5 & 6). New York: Teachers College Press

Manuscripts under revision and under review

Kim, S.Y., Suh, H., Oh,W., *Daheim, J. (Under Review). Daily Change Patterns in Mindfulness
and Psychological Health: A Pilot Intervention

Kim, S.Y., Lee, J., & *Boone, D. (Revision Under Review). Symptom Profiles of Chronic Pain,
Depression, Anxiety, and Somatic Amplification: Exploring Differences across Profiles
in Protective and Risk Factors in a Nationally Representative Sample

Kim, S.Y., Santana, M., & *Daheim, J. (Under Review) Career development of male counseling
psychology doctoral students: A qualitative analysis

Suh, H., Kim, S. Y., & McCabe, E. A. (Revise and Resubmit). Profiles of mindfulness and difficulties
in emotion regulation and links to work-family-school conflict.

*Nguyen, N., Kim, S.Y., *Daheim, J., & *Neduvelil, A., (Under Review). Prescription Pain Medication Use
among Midlife and Older Adults with Chronic Pain: The Roles of Generativity and Family

Kim, S.Y., Shigemoto, Y., *Neduvelil, A., & Grzywacz, J. (Revise and Resubmit). Longitudinal
Stability of Work-Family Enrichment Over and Above Well-Being and Personality Traits

*Manzo, G., Piña-Watson, B., & Kim, S.Y (Revise and Resubmit). Minority Status Stress and Academic Outcomes Among Ethnic Minority
College Students: Anxiety and Quality Of Life As Mediating Mechanisms

Kim, S.Y., Xie, H, Suh, H., *Neduvelil, A., & Quinn, B. (Under Review). Racial Differences
in Associations of Trait Mindfulness, Perceived Discrimination and Well-Being

*Daheim, J.& Kim, S.Y. (Under Review). Men, Chronic Pain, and Risk of Opioid Abuse: The Role of Conformity
to Masculine Norms

Kim, J.H., Gonzalez, R., Kim, S.Y., *Nguyen, N., McMahon, B., & Sametz, R. (Under Review). Virtue-Based Psychosocial
Adaptation to Chronic Illness and Disability

Velez, B., Kim, S.Y., Cox, R., Manosalvas, J., Daheim, J. (Under Review). A Comprehensive Test of the Integrative
Mediation Model of Minority Stress with Sexual Minority Adults

Xie, H., Kim, S.Y., & Canales, B. (Under Review). Differential Effects of Family and Friend Support
in Sexual Minority Aging Adults

*Daheim, J & Kim, S.Y. (Under Review). Comparative Benefits of Physical Activity and Mindfulness on the
Effects of Negative Work-Family Spillover on Life Dissatisfaction

Manuscripts in Preparation

Kim, S.Y., Irelend, M., *Nguyen, N, et al. Linguistic pattern of people with chronic pain and its implication for health disparity

Kim, S.Y., Irelend, M., *Nguyen, N, et al. Linguistic pattern of  college students’ perception of pain and pain medication experience

Kim, S.Y., Park, S.Y., *Mathai. B., *Daheim, J., **Delgado, B., & France, C. Social Learning and Cultural Pathways in the Relation Between Pain-Related Support
and Opioid Use.

Kim, S.Y., *Nguyen, N, *Winograd, D., & Robitschek, C. Men’s work-family positive spillover, masculine norms and use of work-family policy. Manuscript in progress.

Kim, S.Y., *Iserman, M., *Daheim, J., & *Nguyen, N. Diurnal Cortisol Profiles Among People with Chronic Pain and their associations with
Work, Family and Work-Family Spillover.

Kim, S.Y., Oh, W, Ahn, T, *Daheim, J., *Nguyen, N., & O’Brien, K. 20-Year Trajectories of Work- Family Conflict and Enrichment:Effects on Psychological,
Occupational, & Family Well- being.

*Daheim, J, Kim, S.Y., & Littlefield, A. Measurement Invariance of Pain Injustice Scale.

Mitchell, A., Kim, S.Y., Berghuis, K., & **Delgado, B. Childhood adversity ad serum cytokine levels: The roles of psychological, behavioral,
and relational pathways.

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