Science curiculum vitae personally – University of Da Nang
– Ownership structure and earnings management in Vietnamese listed firms: Effects of the 2012
governance-related regulatory reforms. Phuong, Nguyen Trang Doan and Nancy, Huyghebaert.
Workshop, Seminar, Conference Acceptance and Presentation:
– Corporate Finance Day 2018
Location: University of Antwerp, Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium. Time: September 10th, 2018.
Presented paper: Earnings management in Vietnamese listed firms: The role of state and foreign ownership.
– The 16th Workshop on Corporate Governance EIASM
Location: Passage du Nord 19, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. Time: October 23rd – 24th , 2019.
Presented paper: Board-level employee representation and corporate non-financial and financial performance: Cross-country evidence.
– EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Boards and Corporate Governance – EIASM.
Location: TBS – BARCELONA, March 26th, 2020.
– EAA The 43rd Annual Congress in Bucharest, Romania. Time: May 27th – 29th , 2020. Virtual due to covid19 pandemic.
– EFMA The 29th Annual Conference in Dublin, Ireland. Time: June 24th – 27th , 2020. Virtual due to covid19 pandemic.
– World Finance Conference in Malta. Time: September 4th – 6th , 2020. Virtual due to covid19 pandemic.
– Using a constant discount rate when one really shouldn’t: a Reassessment. Phuong, Nguyen Trang Doan; Minh Phuong, Doan; and Piet, Sercu.
– Employee directorship and corporate aggressiveness in tax and financial reporting: A cross-country evidence. Phuong, Nguyen Trang Doan; Ann, Gaeremynck; and Piet, Sercu.
– Board-level employee representation and its impact on firm performance: A cross-country evidence. Phuong, Nguyen Trang Doan; Ann, Gaeremynck; Mathijs, Van Peteghem; and Piet, Sercu.
– Ownership structure and earnings management in Vietnamese listed firms: Effects of the 2012governance-related regulatory reforms. Phuong, Nguyen Trang Doan and Nancy, Huyghebaert.