Salvatore Sirigu Napoli videos, transfer history and stats – SofaScore

Napoli is going to play their next match on 01/10/2022 against Torino in Serie A. If Salvatore Sirigu is going to be in Napoli lineup, it will be confirmed on SofaScore one hour before the match starts. When it starts, you will be able to follow Napoli – Torino livescore, standings, minute by minute updated live results and match statistics. If Salvatore Sirigu plays you will also be able to follow his live SofaScore rating and statistics, Heatmap and video highlights. Salvatore Sirigu video highlights will show goals, assists, red cards, penalties and other important events, given the match was played in one of the more popular football leagues.

Salvatore Sirigu football player profile displays all matches and competitions with statistics for all the matches he played in. Most important stats for each competition, including average SofaScore rating, matches played, goals, assists, cards and other relevant data are also displayed.

SofaScore, football livescore uses a unique algorithm to generate Salvatore Sirigu SofaScore rating based on detailed statistics, analyses and our own knowledge.

SofaScore livescore is available as an iPhone and iPad app, Android app on Google Play and Windows phone app. You can find us in all stores on different languages searching for “SofaScore”. Install the SofaScore app and follow all Salvatore Sirigu matches live on your mobile!

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