Paul H. Axelsen | Faculty | About Us | Perelman School of Medicine | Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Selected Publications

Furman, R, Lee, JV, Axelsen, PH: Analysis of eicosanoid oxidation products in Alzheimer brain by LC-MS with uniformly 13C-labeled internal standards. free radical biology and medicine 118: 108-118, APR 2018.

Eskici, G, Axelsen, PH: Mass Exchange and Equilibration Processes in AOT Reverse Micelles. langmuir 34(7): 2522-2530, FEB 20 2018.

Grasso, G, Axelsen, PH: Effects of covalentmodification by 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal on the noncovalent oligomerization of ubiquitin. journal of mass spectrometry 52(1): 36-42, JAN 2017.

Grasso, G, Komatsu, H, Axelsen, PH: Covalent modifications of the amyloid beta peptide by hydroxynonenal: Effects on metal ion binding by monomers and insights into the fibril topology. journal of inorganic biochemistry 174: 130-136, SEP 2017.

Eskici, G, Axelsen, PH: Amyloid Beta Peptide Folding in Reverse Micelles. journal of the american chemical society 139(28): 9566-9575, JUL 19 2017.

Eskici, G, Axelsen, PH: The Size of AOT Reverse Micelles. journal of physical chemistry b 120(44): 11337-11347, NOV 10 2016.

Axelsen, PH, Murphy, RC, Igarashi, M, Rapoport, SI: Increased omega 6-Containing Phospholipids and Primary omega 6 Oxidation Products in the Brain Tissue of Rats on an omega 3-Deficient Diet. plos one 11(10), OCT 27 2016.

Furman, R, Murray, IVJ, Schall, HE, Liu, QW, Ghiwot, Y, Axelsen, PH: Amyloid Plaque-Associated Oxidative Degradation of Uniformly Radiolabeled Arachidonic Acid. acs chemical neuroscience 7(3): 367-377, MAR 2016.

Klinger, AL, Kiselar, J, Ilchenko, S, Komatsu, H, Chance, MR, Axelsen, PH: A Synchrotron-Based Hydroxyl Radical Footprinting Analysis of Amyloid Fibrils and Prefibrillar Intermediates with Residue-Specific Resolution. biochemistry 53(49): 7724-7734, DEC 16 2014.

Murphy, RC, Axelsen, PH: MASS SPECTROMETRIC ANALYSIS OF LONG-CHAIN LIPIDS. mass spectrometry reviews 30(4): 579-599, JUL-AUG 2011.

Axelsen, PH, Komatsu, H, Murray, IVJ: Oxidative Stress and Cell Membranes in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer”s Disease. physiology 26(1): 54-69, FEB 2011.

Komatsu, H, Feingold-Link, E, Sharp, KA, Rastogi, T, Axelsen, PH: Intrinsic Linear Heterogeneity of Amyloid beta Protein Fibrils Revealed by Higher Resolution Mass-per-length Determinations. journal of biological chemistry 285(53): 41843-41851, DEC 31 2010.

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