Nimbia, Nigeria – Geographical Names, map, geographic coordinates

This page presents the geographical name data for Nimbia in Nigeria, as supplied by the US military intelligence in electronic format, including the geographic coordinates and place name in various forms, latin, roman and native characters, and its location in its respective country’s administrative division.

Full Name (see definition): Nimbia

Primary Country Code (see definition): NI (Nigeria)

First-order administrative division code (see definition): 00 (Nigeria (general) )

Region Font Code (see definition): 3 (Africa/Middle East)

Unique Feature Identifier (see definition): -2020901

Unique Name Identifier (see definition): -2809857

Latitude in decimal degrees (see definition): 9.516667

Longitude in decimal degrees (see definition): 8.566667

Latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds (see definition): 9° 31′ 00″ N

Longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds (see definition): 8° 34′ 00″ E

Military Grid Reference System coordinates (see definition): 32PMR5244052004

Joint Operations Graphic reference (see definition): NC32-10

Feature Classification (see definition): P (Populated place type feature)

Feature Designation Code (see definition): PPL (populated place)

Populated Place Classification (see definition): No data

Second-order administrative division code (see definition): No data

Population Figures (see definition): No data

Elevations (see definition): No data

Secondary Country Code (see definition): No data

Name Type (see definition): N (BGN Standard name)

Language Code (see definition): No data

Substitute for full name (see definition): No data

Descriptive part of the full name (see definition): No data

A form of the full name that allows for alphabetical sorting of the file into gazetteer sequence (see definition): NIMBIA

Full Name with QWERTY characters (see definition): Nimbia

Modify Date (see definition): 1994-01-05

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