Maria Cassano, Writer & Editor

About me

I was raised with the motto, “Find the one thing that makes you lose track of time, and then find a way to make a living doing it.” For me, that’s writing — but don’t worry; I’m as business-minded as I am creative, so I’ve never missed a deadline. 

Since realizing my passion, I’ve written over 2,500 pieces for dozens of publications and companies. When I’m not writing, I can be found baking, blogging, crafting, gaming, and playing guitar. 

Whether it’s my own work or another’s vision, quality, sentiment, and efficiency are always my top priorities. I’ve worked with individual clients as well as large businesses to write and edit articles, web content, newsletters, crowdfunding proposals, personal resumes, advertisements, novels, and creative pieces. 


I have extensive experience in the areas of E-commerce, affiliate marketing, SEO, copywriting, travel journalism, technical content, ghostwriting, academic tutoring, blogging, editing, consulting, and publishing.

Think we’d work well together? I’d love to hear from you.

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