Kim Shin

Kim Shin

Marital status

Married to Ji Eun Tak

Biographical information

Date of birth

Over 900 years ago

Place of birth

Goryeo (present day Korea)

Physical description






Actor/ Actress

Gong Yoo

Kim Shin (김신) (Hanja-한자- 金神)



The immortal goblin has spent his whole immortal life waiting for his bride to appear so that she can break his 900 year long curse.




Past Life



Kim Shin started his life as a general in the Goryeo era serving under King Wang Yeo. Wang Yeo’s jealousy and strong influence of his advisor, Park Joong-heon, caused him to turn on Shin. Kim Shin’s sister, Kim Sun, was married to the king and inevitably fell. Sun’s last request of her brother was that he keep going toward the king. This, however, lead to his demise. He was killed and left to rot in a field of buckwheat.

Present Day



Years passed and he was resurrected into an immortal goblin. Being cursed, he learned that the only way to break free and move on would be to find his destined bride. Shin’s last surviving friend witnessed his revival but left the world shortly after, leaving his grandson behind. The grandson vowed that he and all of his descendants would serve Kim Shin for the rest of his immortal life. He found, even though he now possessed many great powers, Shin would have to witness everyone close to him die, one by one, the longer the years went on.

Throughout the years, Shin would travel back and forth from South Korea to Canada. Staying in each place for 20 years at a time.

In the year 1997, Kim Shin had returned to South Korea for the time being. Sitting atop a tall building, he listens to all the cries of the people in Seoul. As he drinks his can of beer, he hears a car crash followed by a woman prying for a god. Shin finished his drink before going down to see what had happened. He found a woman had been hit by a hit and run. She whispered to him, “Just the child…”, pleading for him to at least save her unborn baby. He replied by stating, “You’re lucky to have met a weak-hearted god who doesn’t want to see anyone die tonight.” And resurrected both her and the baby just after they had both passed on.

Nineteen years later, he’s planning to move back to Canada once more. Using one his of his many powers, he transports to the buckwheat field from his past. While there he’s summoned (unknowingly to her) by his fated bride, Ji Eun Tak. They are both shocked and confused. He accuses her of summoning him which she denies, declaring he’s ghost and that he should crossover while disclosing that she can in fact see ghosts. Shin tells her that he’s not a ghost, in turn pointing out that he doesn’t see any of the normal things he usually sees in people—things like her future. “I must not have a future,” she replies. Noticing the flowers in his hand, Eun Tak asks for them claiming ‘They don’t suit him’. He gives them to her explaining they are buckwheat and when she asks what they mean , he replies, “Lovers.” Recalling that she’d been crying, Shin asks which of her wishes (job, aunt’s family, boyfriend) prompted the tears. She’s startled that he knows about the wishes, and he replies that he sometimes grants wishes. Eun Tak asks if he’s a genie and asks for money. Kim Shin tells her that she should work hard, and as for her wishes. 1. Finding a job, she should search at different chicken shops, and 2. Her family problems, he simply told her to say goodbye to them. When she asked about her third one, wanting a boyfriend, he disappeared before responding.

Upon returning home, he’s realized that the descendant of his original servant/ “nephew”, Yoo Deok-hwa is putting his house up for rent. Even worse, it seems to be being sold to a Grim Reaper. He chews the young man out and asks the Reaper to leave. The Reaper replies, saying he’s already signed the papers. Shin, in turn, burns the papers leading to the Reaper claiming there are copies. Thus, starting their short-lived feud.

Kim Shin spends the following days slowly falling in love with Eun Tak, becoming friends with the Reaper, finding the reincarnation of his sister, Kim Sun, and wondering if he really wants to end his life. Later, he finds out that if he doesn’t end his life, then Eun Tak will lose hers. When the spirit of Park Joong-heon comes back into town, everything takes a turn. The happy life they once knew is disrupted. Kim Shin finds out that his newfound friend the Grim Reaper is none other than the man who had him killed, Wang Yeo. Filled with anger and despair, Shin moves himself and Eun Tak out of the house. While he subsequently decides how to deal with Park Joong-heon. In the pursuit to save Eun Tak’s life, he sacrifices himself and dies along with Joong-heon.

Ten more years pass, and Shin is wondering around in limbo. Once again on Eun Tak’s birthday, he is summoned by her, but she doesn’t remember him. He finds the Reaper and Deok Hwa’s Secretary Kim Do Young, now the CEO, and gets his house and money back. Kim Shin and the Reaper put aside their differences and remain close friends. Shin goes to see Kim Sun one more time and assuming she didn’t remember him, left before she could say hello.

Ji Eun Tak eventually remembers Kim Shin when she goes on a trip to Canada. They marry soon after, but that happiness was met with tragedy when Eun Tak dies in a car accident. Kim Shin, depressed, was allowed to see her spirit before she left the Earth, thanks to Wang Yeo. She told him that she wouldn’t forget him, and refused to drink the tea that makes you forget your past life. Asking him to wait for her return, she ascends to the next life.

Years pass and Kim Shin once again watches his loved ones pass away and move on to the next life. But he waits patiently, moving back and forth from South Korea to Canada once again. Thirty years later, Kim Shin is found by Eun Tak, sitting in the park in Quebec that she remembered visiting with him.




After Becoming The Immortal “Goblin” (“Dokkaebi”) he gains many Superhuman Powers and can use them anytime he wants.

Expert Swordsman/Combatant – Kim shin is highly skilled in unarmed and melee combat. He is master in weaponry which includes ancient as well as modern weapons. He can easily defeat other beings in combat.

Nigh-Omnipotence: Kim shin is unimaginably powerful, he is next to indestructible. He can easily defeat even the mightiest beings and creatures. He can do almost anything he wants.

Immortality – Kim Shin can only die if his bride pulls the sword out of his chest. He is immune to age, diseases, viruses, infections, sicknesses, and disorders. He also cannot die of suffocation, drowning, or poisoning.

Invulnerability: Kim shin is indestructible, and invulnerable to all mortal as well as supernatural weapons and sources.

Monetary Manipulation – Kim Shin’s ability to generate gold bars.

Teleportation – Kim Shin can teleport himself across small distances freely, but can also teleport long distances through the use of doors. Only Ji Eun Tak can follow him through these long-distance doors. Kim Shin can also be teleported unwillingly to Ji Eun Tak’s location if she deliberately blows out a flame. He can teleport himself anywhere in the world.

Telekinesis/Psychokinesis – Kim shin has ability to move objects as well as individuals with the mind. It can be channeled through the eyes or hands. Kim Shin’s telekinesis is limitless. He is able to levitate small objects simultaneously and float above the ground.

Precognition – Kim shin has the ability to see the past, present and future of an individual by seeing in the Individual’s eyes.

Telepathy – He has the ability to transfer information from one mind to another and to read mind and thoughts of humans, animals and other beings without the aid of physical communication (noise or movement).

Regenerative Healing Factor: Kim shin can heal and regenerate all physical and mental harm to himself instantly. Any damaged area or lost anatomy will be completely restored with no lingering side effects in seconds, even forcing objects embedded out to heal properly. It allow him to rapidly regenerate any damaged or destroyed bodily molecules, cells, tissues, bones, limbs, organs, etc instantaneously.

Biokinesis – Kim shin has the ability to manipulate the biological aspects of other creatures and beings. He normally uses this ability to inflict harm on his victims as punishment. This ability can be used through a gesture or snap of fingers.

Smiting – Kim shin has the ability to kill other beings with a touch, gesture or snap of fingers at will. This ability will burn the victim from inside. This ability will burn the victim’s eyes.

Sedation – Kim shin has the ability to render other beings unconscious with a touch or gesture.

Intangibility – Kim shin has the ability to alter one’s molecular structure to move through physical matter . He can even dodge attacks from enemies through this ability.

Absorption – Kim shin has the ability to absorb any form of energy at will.

Weaponry Refinement/Summoning – Kim shin can forge a replica of his mighty sword at will with water. He can supernaturally enhance his sword to destroy anything and fight off other supernatural entities.

Superhuman/Supernatural Strength – Kim Shin has supernatural strength and is able to lift a person and even a supernatural entity with one hand. He has physical strength that surpass humans and other beings. He can lift anything.

Superhuman Speed – Kim Shin possesses super speed. He is able to appear and disappear with a blink of an eye, and are able to move across a room within a second.

Supernatural Senses -Kim shin possesses acute senses that are above superhuman level. He can see, hear, smell, taste, touch more accurately than other beings.

Superhuman Resilience – Kim shin’s durability, stamina, vitality, virility and endurance have been enhanced to superhuman levels. He has a higher tolerance to pain.

Superhuman Mobility – Kim shin’s agility, dexterity, balance, and body coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.He can perform feats of agility that would be impossible for the finest human athlete.

Healing- Kim shin has the ability to heal injuries of himself and other beings. He can even cure diseases, viruses, infections, sicknesses,disorders and poisoning, etc. He can even heal other beings without touching them.

Resurrection – Kim shin has rare ability to either bring himself or others back to life from death of any means. He can even accomplished it through other means, including spells or rituals. He can resurrect all forms of life back to any state he so desires, such as living and undead states.

Time Manipulation – Kim Shin has control over time. He can freeze time at will and for however long he wants. He can speed up and slow down time. The only person who is immune to this is Ji Eun Tak, who can continue to move and speak freely while time is frozen.

Astral Perception -Kim shin can perceive true form of beings invisible to human’s eye. He can even see supernatural incidents. He was able to recognize the grim reaper when he saw him.

Localization – Kim shin has the ability to track and locate beings .

Apportation – Kim shin has the ability to teleport other beings and objects.

Illusion Casting – Kim shin has the ability to cast strong illusions.

Conjuration – Kim shin has the ability to create objects and beings into existence out of nothing.

Summoning – Kim shin has the ability to summon someone into the user’s vicinity.

Thermokinesis – Kim shin has the ability to control and manipulate heat.

Photokinesis – Kim shin has the ability to control and manipulate light.

Reconstitution – Kim shin has the ability to reform the body if it is completely or partially destroyed.

Energy Blast – Kim shin has the ability to unleash a blast of energy that can knock beings back with great force. It can be channeled through the eyes or hands.

Incineration – Kim shin has the ability to incinerate a being with a stare or gesture.

Portal Creation – Kim shin has the ability to open portals to other locations by using any door.

Wish Granting – Kim shin has the ability to grant wishes.

Fire Manipulation – Kim Shin can manipulate a blue flame with his hands or engulf his entire body in a shimmering blue flame. He can create and manipulate any fire.

Empathic Weather/Nature Manipulation – less of a power and more of a side effect of being a goblin, whenever Kim Shin is feeling an emotion intensely it affects the weather and nature in the general region he is in. For example, when he feels incredibly happy the cherry blossoms bloom, even if it is not the season for them to do so.

Nigh-Omniscience: Kim shin possess an almost infinite amount of knowledge, and is remarkably well-spoken and sophisticated.

Invincibility – Kim shin can easily survive any physical, mental and supernatural harms.




“Live in reality, not in rumors!” (Episode 1)

“I once considered my endless life a reward but in the end, it’s a punishment.” (Episode 2)

“A part of me is relieved to meet the end of this eternity but it’s not that bad as a part of me still wants to live”  (Episode 4)

“It’s French for ‘Fate ordained by the sky’ – the absolute destiny far beyond the realm of humanity” (Episode 12)

“I have to disappear to make you smile. This is the decision I have to make. I have to end my life.” (Episode 5)

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