Keng-Chi Chang

Hello. I am a PhD student at UC San Diego.

My research interests lie in the realm of computational social science, the political economy of information technology, and political methodology.
I use statistical and computational models to study large-scale human behaviors in online communities.
Substantively, I am interested in how authoritarian regimes utilize informational tools for control and influence.

My recent works have been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, PLOS One, Journal of Communication, and Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media.

Here are my
resume and
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you will also find an updated list of useful
for empirical work,
coupled with some personal
Feel free to reach me at my


  • Computational Social Science
  • Political Methodology
  • Political Economy of Information


  • PhD Candidate in Political Science

    University of California, San Diego

  • BA in Economics

    National Taiwan University

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