Japanese & Chinese: Miho Fujiwara


M.S., Ph.D., Linguistics, Georgetown University

B.Ed., English Language, Hiroshima University


Professor Miho Fujiwara received her B.Ed. degree in English language education from Hiroshima University, Japan and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Linguistics from Georgetown University.

She received two teaching awards: Jerry E. Hudson Award for Excellence in Teaching (2009) and Mortarboard Professor of the Year (2009).

Professor Fujiwara and four Japanese Studies and Asian Studies major students received the ASIANetwork Freeman Student-Faculty Research Fellowship to conduct research in Japan in 2009. She also enjoys working with students for the Carson Undergraduate Research Grant.

She supports students’ activities and is an advisor for the Japan Studies Student Leaders (JSSL), Taiko Club and Sanshin Club.

Dr. Fujiwara’s service and contribution to the on and off campus communities include: Department Chair (2006-2013), Faculty Council (2009-2011), Vice President, Association of Teachers of Japanese in Oregon (ATJO) (2009-2011), and Board Member, Confederation of Oregon Foreign Language Teachers (COFLT) (2009-2011).

She also served as an interviewer for the Japan Exchange & Teaching (JET) Program, a judge for the Portland’s Japanese Consular Office’s Japanese speech contest, and a reviewer for professional journals and conferences in her field


Second Language Acquisition in Japanese, Japanese linguistics (morphology and syntax), and teaching Japanese Language as a Foreign Language (writing).


IDS101 College Colloquium: Japan-US Intercultural Communication

JAPN201 Modern Japanese Society and Culture

JAPN331 Intermediate Japanese I

JAPN332 Intermediate Japanese II

JAPN430 Japanese Reading and Composition I

JAPN431 Japanese Reading and Composition II

JAPN432 Conversational Japanese I

JAPN434 Conversational Japanese II


Fujiwara, Miho. 2017. Explicit representation of co-occurring sentence structures in teaching “seizei” 副詞「せいぜい」の指導における共起構文の明示 Proceedings of the Canadian Association for Japanese Education (CAJLE) Annual Conference 2017. 63-72.

Fujiwara, Miho. 2014. Analyses on written narratives by learners of Japanese: influences of learners’ Japanese abilities and writing abilities in their native language on Japanese narratives. 中上級日本語学習者による日本語物語作文の分析:高評価作文の特徴及び日本語能力と母語作文の影響. Journal CAJLE 15, 1-20.

Fujiwara, Miho and Mitsuko Yamura-Takei. 2010. Conjunctions and ZERO anaphora use: an experiment and discussion from a perspective of coherence. Linguistics and Japanese Education VI, ed. by Minamai, Masahiko. 103-121. Tokyo: Kuroshio Shuppan. 接続表現の使用とゼロ代名詞容認度:一貫性の観点からの実験と考察『言語学と日本語教育VI』

Fukazawa, Haruka and Miho Fujiwara. 2010. The role of indirect negative evidence and paradigm uniformity in L1 acquisition of two types of Japanese adjectives. Proceedings of the Tenth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics. ed. by Yukio Otsu. 93-116. Tokyo: Hituzi Syobo.

Yamura-Takei, Mitsuko, Miho Fujiwara and Etsuko Yoshida. 2010. Entity coherence in comparable learner corpora: Seeking pedagogical insights. Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 24), 779-788.

Yamura-Takei, Mitsuko, Etsuko Yoshida and Miho Fujiwara. 2010. Comparative analysis of sentential anaphoric expression in an Japanese-English comparable corpora. 日米コンパラブルコーパスにおける文類照応の指示表現の比較分析. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of Association for Natural Language Processing (in Japanese), 1086-1089.

Yamura-Takei, Mitsuko and Miho Fujiwara. 2007. Japanese native speakers’ intuition of zero use: An account by centering theory. Applying Theory and Research to Learning Japanese as a Foreign Language, ed. by Minami, Masahiko. 213-239. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Fujiwara, Miho and Mitsuko Yamura-Takei. 2005. Cohesion by zero anaphora and reading difficulty: Types and distributions of zeros. Linguistics and Japanese Education IV, ed. by Minamai, Masahiko. 163-174. Tokyo: Kuroshio Shuppan.ゼロ代名詞による結束性と読解難易度:その種類と分布状況の観点から『言語学と日本語教育IV』

Fujiwara, Miho and Mitsuko Yamura-Takei. 2004. Linguistics theories and their applications to teaching zeros: A development of Zero Checker. Linguistics and Japanese Education III – New Directions in Japanese, ed. by Minami, Masahiko and Makiko Asano. 325-342. Tokyo: Kuroshio Shuppan. 言語理論のゼロ代名詞指導への応用:ゼロチェッカーの開発『言語学と日本語教育III』

Yamura-Takei, Mitsuko, Teruaki Aizawa and Miho Fujiwara. 2004. Cognitive and SLA approaches to computer-assisted reading: Making the invisible visible. Transactions of Japanese Society for Information and System in Education 20(3). 205-213. 読解支援システムへの認知的・第二言語習得理論的アプローチ:ゼロ代名詞による結束性『教育システム情報学会誌20(3)』「学習科学と学習/教育支援システム」特集号


2018 Faculty Council Award ($2000), 2017

Salem Kawagoe Sister City Grant ($300), 2015-2019

Research Collaborator. Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Science Research Grant. A study of use and awareness of Japanese and English as a lingua franca for development of common curricula. (PI: Mitsuko Yamura-Takei, Hiroshima Shudo University). $30,000. 4/1/2015 to 3/31/2019 (4 years), 2013

LIASE Curriculum Development Grant ($750)

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