Gōshō Aoyama Manga Factory
Manga Detective Conan (also known as Case Closed) has been a global hit, and this museum is dedicated to the title’s creator Aoyama Gōshō. This museum features exhibits from Master Aoyama’s life stories from his youth to his college years, the creative process for Detective Conan, a recreation of his workshop, and more. In the museum’s gift shop, you can find a line-up of exclusively-available goods as well.
Sightseeing Spot in This Area
Blessed with a wealth of nature, Hokuei Town, Tottori Prefecture, is now famous as “where you can meet Detective Conan.” The whole town features Detective Conan, a masterpiece of Gōshō Aoyama, a comic artist born in Hokuei. The nearest railroad station used to be named “Yura”, but now it is called “Conan Station.” From the station runs “Conan Avenue,” which leads you to the “Gōshō Aoyama Manga Factory.” The avenue is embellished with 17 pieces (16 types) of bronze objects. Also beside the “Factory” runs the “Beika Shopping Street, Home of Conan,” the one and only shopping street with Conan as the motif, which opened in March 2017.