Đinh Ứng Phi Trường from World

Đinh Ứng Phi Trường Facts

Đinh Ứng Phi Trường is a popular artist from
Vietnam. Popnable
collects information about
2 songs
by Đinh Ứng Phi Trường.

The highest Đinh Ứng Phi Trường ‘s charting position is #49 ,
and the worst ranking place is #110 .

Đinh Ứng Phi Trường‘s songs spent 1 weeks in the charts.

Đinh Ứng Phi Trường appeared in Top Chart that measure the best Vietnamese musicians/bands
and the highest position noted by Đinh Ứng Phi Trường is 49.

The worst result is 110.

Real name/birth name is
Đinh Ứng Phi Trường and Đinh Ứng Phi Trường is famous as Musician/Singer.

Born Country is

Born Country and City are
Vietnam, –

Ethnicity is

Citizenship is

Height is
– cm / – inches

Marital Status is

Đinh Ứng Phi Trường’s Stories

  • Đinh Ứng Phi Trường Famous Songs In this article, discover the best Đinh Ứng Phi Trường songs of all time. Explore the most famous songs from Đinh Ứng Phi Trường. These top hits are the most popular Đinh Ứng Phi Trường songs ever.

Latest Đinh Ứng Phi Trường Songs

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