Dan Lin – Mizzou Engineering

Dan Lin

Adjunct Professor

Email: [email protected]

EECS – Courtesy | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Dan Lin is an adjunct professor in electrical engineering and computer science. She joined University of Missouri in Fall 2018. Before that, she was the associate chair for Graduate Study and director of the Cybersecurity Lab at the Department of Computer Science at Missouri S&T. She did her postdoc at Purdue University with Professor Elisa Bertino. She also visited Aalborg University (Denmark) and worked with Professor Christian Jensen for three months. Her main research interests cover many areas in the fields of database systems and information security. Her current research includes Big Data processing, security and privacy in cloud computing, privacy preservation in social networking, location privacy in mobile applications, routing and security issues in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs). Her research has been funded by the NSF, NSA and the Department of Energy. She has served as program committee members in many premium conferences such as SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE, ICDCS and SSTD. She is currently an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.


PhD from the National University of Singapore
BS from Fudan University

Technical Focus

Autonomous vehicles
Cloud computing and Big Data processing
Privacy in social networks
Security and privacy in IoT environments

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