Who is Han Seo Hee? Drama explained as former YG trainee curses at judge after being sentenced to prison

Han Seo Hee was on probation for drug charges when she was caught abusing methamphetamine. She was sentenced to prison in her first trial in court on November 17.

The former YG Entertainment trainee was sentenced by Suwon District Court, Seongnam Branch 1st Criminal Division. Han Seo Hee received sentencing of 1 year and six months and was detained in court because she was assessed at flight risk.

Court sentencing on Han Seo Hee’s drug charges

At the time of sentencing, the court said:

Ms. Han stated that the paper cup fell into the toilet during a urine test conducted at the probation office but there was no evidence that it was mixed with content from the toilet in the analysis from the National Forensic Service.

They further stated:

We reject the claim that her urine test was mixed with another person’s because the other two individuals out of the three who received the testing at that time were men.

According to a report in News 1, Han Seo Hee reportedly swore at the judge and said:

F***, Seriously? I will not run away nor will I be arrested. Judge what are you doing? There is no reason to sentence me to prison!

In response, the judge said:

If you are dissatisfied with the judgment, then appeal according to the procedure.

Despite this, Han Seo Hee continued to swear and was defensive as well.

She continued to claim that she was not going to run away. She added that detaining her was unnecessary in this case.

Han Seo Hee not to be confused with My Name actor

It must be noted that the former YG Entertainment trainee does have a similar name as the popular actor ‘Han So Hee’ who appeared in shows such as My Name, World of the Married and Nevertheless.

She is, however, a former K-Pop trainee and has no connection to Han So Hee.

In October 2016, Han Seo Hee was sentenced to three years in prison and four years of probation for smoking marijuana. In July 2020, she tested positive for psychotropic drugs and disobeyed the probation conditions.

She was held in the probation office at this time. After the tests were conducted, Han Seo Hee claimed that her urine test was mixed up because of an accident in the toilet.

She received an additional hair test from the National Forensic Service. She was able to maintain her probation as this test came out negative. The prosecution charged Han Seo Hee for using methamphetamine.

Most recently, at the beginning of 2021, she started her own YouTube channel called @seoheechopath where she addressed many questions that followers had about the scandals that she was at the center of.

Han Seo Hee’s biggest scandal was being caught with BIGBANG rapper T.O.P. smoking marijuana. It was reported that she had been dating the rapper at the time.

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Edited by Rupak Kumar Jha

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