What is 1/12 as a decimal? – ArgoPrep

1/12 as a decimal is 0.083

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In the fraction 1/12 , the number 1 is

  • Numerator
  • Denominator
  • Decimal
  • Fraction


  • Numerator

In the fraction 1/12 , the number 12 is

  • Numerator
  • Denominator
  • Decimal
  • Fraction


  • Denominator

What is the equivalent fraction to 1/12?

  • 2/12
  • 2/24
  • 1/24
  • 3/24


  • 2/24

What is the equivalent fraction to 1/12?

  • 3/36
  • 3/12
  • 2/36
  • 1/36


  • 3/36


All fractions can be converted to the decimal form by the long division method.

The fraction $$\frac1{12}$$ can be written as $$1\div12$$.

Let us do the long division for the given fraction.

1 over 12 as a decimal

  • When the dividend is less than the divisor, add a decimal point to the quotient and add


    to the dividend.

  • We can see that the dividend is still


    and cannot be divided by


    . Hence add another 0 after the decimal point in the quotient and add


    to the dividend to make it



  • Carry out the division. It can be seen that the remainder


    is recurring and hence the digit


    in the quotient is repeated.

  • We can stop the division here as we know that the answer is a non-terminating decimal.

Hence the decimal form of the fraction $$\frac1{12}$$ is 0.8333……

Here we can see that the digit 3 is repeating and hence it can be denoted with the help of a bar over the number.

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Note that the digit 8 is not repeated and hence the bar has to be drawn only for the digits that are repeated.



Here are some common terms you should be familiar with.

  • In the fraction $$\frac{1}{12}$$, the number 1 is the dividend (

    our numerator


  • The number 12 is our divisor (

    our denominator)

Find More Fractions to Decimals

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