Welcome to Meimei Liu’s Homepage

Meimei Liu

Department of Statistics
Virginia Tech

Emai: [email protected]

About Me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics at Virginia Tech. Prior to VT, I worked with Prof. David B. Dunson as a post-doc in Department of Statistical Science at Duke University, where I develop methodology for nonparametric Bayesian, machine learning, and neural imaging. I was a Ph.D. student in Purdue University, where I was advised by Prof. Guang Cheng and Prof. Zuofeng Shang. I received a M.S. in statistics at University of Science and Technology of China, where I was supervised by Prof. Weiping Zhang.

Research Interest

Deep learning: graph embedding, variational autoencoding with application in neuroscience.

Bayesian data analysis: bayesian latent space model, bayesian nonparametric model.

Learning theory: stochastic gradient descent inference, variational inference.

Big data analysis: random projection, divide-and-conquer, active learning.

Semi/Non-parametric inference: kernel ridge regression, partially linear regression.

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