
accused Kutima of not defending Malava cane farmers in the six years he has been deputy governor and the head of the Agriculture docket.

“N-Delta Women Give Shell 10-day Ultimatum on Demands.” Women of Nigeria International (


) and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), November 14.

It was


derful, because I never ever tire of seeing someone enjoying something I’ve written.”



, 27, speaks five languages, is a talented basketball player and today he is acting as a mentor to thousands of Merseyside youngsters.

The cup win on Sunday was made even more special by the fact Liverpool had to complete a league fixture on the Saturday, completing a 79-63 win at Bath with Mohamed


the top scorer on 31.

West Hearts Warriors currently top Division 2, but the Liverpool side are expecting reinforcements in time for the final, with American star Mohamed


due to link up with the club next week.

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