Thien An Orphanage – Mái Ấm Thiên Ân

About Us

Hoi Bac Ai Phanxico – Franciscan Charity is a public international charity which directs all public donations to help orphans, the disabled and less fortunate people. The Charity is an approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donations are tax-deductible with will go toward our charitable programs based on intentions.

Since 2003, records show our Charity has helped over 3 million+ people through 20+ charitable programs year-round, including food, housing and medical for the disabled and lepers, sponsorship of over 4,000 lovely orphans at 70+ orphanages, providing the children with foods and schooling.


Orphans (Trẻ mồ côi)
Disables (Người khuyết tật)
Visually Impaired (Người Khiếm Thị)
Lepers (Người Bệnh Phong)
Ethnic Minorities (Người Dân Tộc)
Poor Students (Học Sinh Nghèo)

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