TS. Trần Vân Anh


Họ và tên: Trần Vân Anh

Địa chỉ: Phòng 422 – nhà C1

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Giảng dạy môn: Hóa lý 1, Hóa lý 2


Hướng nghiên cứu

  • – Tính toán trao đổi spin electron trong gốc tự do kép

  • – Nghiên cứu phản ứng nội phân tử trong gốc tự do kép. Phương pháp đo – cộng hưởng từ electron.

Các kết quả nghiên cứu công bố gần đây:

  1. A.I. Kokorin, V. A. Tran, K. Rasmussen, G. Grampp – Effects of Solvent Nature on Spin Exchange in Rigid Nitroxide Biradicals – Applied. Magnetic Resonance

  2. V. A. Tran, K. Rasmussen, G. Grampp, A.I. Kokorin. – The Solvent Effect on Spin Exchange in Long-Chain Nitroxide Biradicals – Applied Magnetic Resonance

  3. V. A. Tran, K. Rasmussen, G. Grampp, A.I. Kokorin. – Solvent Effects on the Intramolecular Spin Exchange in Biradicals at Room Temperature – Molecular Physics

  4. V. A. Tran, K. Rasmussen, G. Grampp – Intramolecularin Exchange in Bi-, Tri- and Tetra- Nitroxide Radicals – “6th Meeting of the European Federation of EPR Groups, 5-8 September 2006, Madrid, Spain.

  5. V. A. Tran, K. Rasmussen, G. Grampp – Investigation of the Solvent Effects on the Intramolecular  Spin Exchange in Nitroxide Biradicals – “The 40th Annual International Meeting of the Electron Spin Resonance Group of the Royal Chemical Society”,  23-29 March 2007, Oxford, England

  6. V. A. Tran, K. Rasmussen, G. Grampp – Solvent effects on the ntramolecular spin exchange in nitroxide biradicals – Bunsentagung 2007”, 17-19 May 2007, Graz, Austria

  7. G. Grampp, B. Mladenova, V. A. Tran and D. Kattnig – ESR-Spectroscopy in Ionic Liquids: Investigations on the Dynamics and Kinetics of Organic Radicals – “XVII EuCheMS Conference on Organometallic Chemistry”, 1-6 September 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria

  8. V. A. Tran, K. Rasmussen, G. Grampp – Intramolecular Spin Exchange in Nitroxide Biradicals studied by ESR Spectroscopy – “XXII International EPR Seminar”, May 30 – June 2, 2007, Kočovce, Slovak Republic

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