Seaman (Video Game 1999) – IMDb

Narrator: Welcome to the laboratory of Jean-Paul Gasse. You’ll witness before you a phenomenon like no other: a man of the sea… Seaman. This legendary creature will be dependent on you for its life’s blood. You’ll begin right here in Gasse’s laboratory. Where is this laboratory? What awaits you within? You have no idea what Seaman is or how it evolves. This is something you must find out for yourself, as there is little documentation to help you on your way. My name is Leonard Nimoy, and I will be your guide. Well… this is your first day with the Seaman kit. Your first step will involve preparing the tank for Seaman’s arrival. Adjust the tank settings to be an adequate temperature with sufficient oxygen. While adjusting, keep in mind that blue is the colour of the sea, and thus an appropriate colour for the care of Seaman. Then take the egg from the storage matrix, and place it in the tank. The water’s temperature is key to the hatching of the egg. Once hatched, the nautilus will play a very important role in Seaman’s development. Each time you visit this laboratory, I’ll be here to offer advice and guidance. If you tire of my voice, you may press the Start button to skip at any time. Very well – let us proceed to the tank…

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