Representative Gina M. Melaragno


Representing: Auburn (part)
District #62


Rep. Gina Melaragno is serving her fourth term in the Maine House of Representatives. She is a member of the Joint Standing Committee on Health Coverage Insurance and Financial Services.

Melaragno was inspired to run for office after having worked on citizen campaigns like labeling GMOs, expanding access to health care and getting Big Money out of politics. She hikes and travels when she can.

Melaragno grew up in Auburn and graduated from Edward Little High School. She went on to receive a liberal arts degree from the University of Southern Maine.

She is a customer service representative and has worked in the retail and health industries. Her experience as a wage worker informs her work in the legislature every day. 

To view high resolution photos of Rep. Melaragno click here.

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Rep. Melaragno is a member of the Joint Standing Committee on Health Coverage Insurance and Financial Services and House Bills in the Second Reading.

Brief description of the subject matter handled by the committee: Banking; financial institutions; credit
unions; consumer credit; credit law (business-related); Uniform Consumer Credit Code; Bureau
of Financial Institutions; Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection; mortgage lending; foreclosure
prevention; servicing of student loans; debt collection practices and debt buyers; Office of
Securities; stocks, mutual funds, bonds and other securities; financial services; Bureau of
Insurance; credit, automobile, life, property and casualty insurance; private health insurance;
health and medical data; Maine Health Data Organization; health maintenance organizations;
mandated health benefits; health care reform; compliance with federal Affordable Care Act;
prescription drugs; pharmacy benefit managers; cost containment; multiple employer welfare
arrangements; State Employee Health Commission and state employee group health plan; longterm
care insurance; disability income insurance; insurance rating, regulation and practices;
insurance producers; professional and occupational licensing for health care and financial
services; Maine Employers Mutual Insurance Company; workers’ compensation insurance; selfinsurance;
and viatical and life settlement contracts.

For more information about the schedule of committee hearings or to sign up for advance notice of public
hearings click here.


Click on the button below to see all bills, joint resolutions
and orders I sponsored or cosponsored this session, as well as
legislative sentiments that honor and recognize people from our
district and throughout the state.






To do a general bill search, click here.

Contact Me

Thank you for taking time to contact me. You may use the online contact form to reach me.

You can also contact me at my home:

25 James Street, Apt. #3
Auburn, ME 04210
[email protected]

When the Legislature is in session, you can leave a message for me by calling the State House Message Phone: (800) 423-2900 or the State House TDD Line: Relay 711.

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