Mike Angelo Sues Ex-Girlfriend, Sarah Casinghini, for Not Letting Him See Their Son, Maxwell

Thai celebrity, Mike Angelo, shocked the entertainment industry when he announced he was a father to his baby boy, Maxwell, in 2014. Mike Angelo had Maxwell with his ex-girlfriend, Sarah Casinghini, who is an Italian-Thai model. At the time, Mike Angelo was around 24-25 years old and at the height of his career. As the couple had already split up, they have been co-parenting while Sarah Casinghini retained sole legal custody of Maxwell. However, Mike Angelo recently took Sarah Casinghini to court for not letting him see their son.

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On September 15, Mike Angelo posted a picture of him and Maxwell and a lengthy post about how he has been deprived of seeing his son. He explained if he turned out not to be the biological father of Maxwell, he would still try to help out Sarah Casinghini within his means. Since he was proven to be his father, Mike Angelo claims he has done everything he agreed to do, including paying for all kinds of expenses, which he says has totaled to 10 million baht.

Mike Angelo Withdraws Petition to Get Joint Custody of Son, Maxwell

Mike Angelo Reaches Custody Agreement with Sarah Casinghini Over Son, Maxwell

Because he hasn’t been able to see his son, Mike Angelo decided to take Sarah Casinghini to court. He is applying to become Maxwell’s legal father on his birth certificate. Mike Angelo explained he has always wanted to do this, but Sarah Casinghini kept telling him to hold off on the process as she wanted to wait for Maxwell to grow up and decide whether he was suitable to be his legal father. He also states he wouldn’t have taken this step had he not been able to see his son. Mike Angelo expressed he misses Maxwell very much and that aside from work, he spends the remainder of his time with him. Lastly, Mike Angelo said he doesn’t just want to be an ATM father and needs to accompany Maxwell every step of the way as he grows up.

On September 17, Mike Angelo went on TV talking about the custody battle with Sarah Casinghini. Mike Angelo has been developing his career in China in recent years. Due to the pandemic, Mike Angelo claims he practically has no income. He is using his savings to pay for Maxwell and his mother’s expenses. In addition, Mike Angelo said in order to save money, he tries to control his spending to around 15,000 baht a month and doesn’t eat out. He still needs to pay for child support, Sarah Casinghini’s expenses, Maxwell’s tuition, a nanny, and a driver, which amount to over 100,000 baht a month. He spends around 1.7 million baht each year on child support and his mother’s expenses, but he still doesn’t get to see his son.

Mike Angelo in tears after going on TV to talk about the custody battle

In order to become Maxwell’s legal father, Mike Angelo is taking Sarah Casinghini to court to get joint legal custody of their son. Sarah Casinghini proposed 6 demands Mike Angelo must fulfill in order for her to let him be the legal father.

  1. Pay for all of Maxwell’s tuition at a top international school until completion of PhD degree.
  2. Pay for a driver and a nanny until our child can take care of himself.
  3. Increase Maxwell’s monthly allowance from 30,000 to 50,000 baht a month until our child can earn money himself.
  4. Buy an apartment or house in Bangkok for Maxwell.
  5. Mike cannot bring our child to attend work functions to earn money for his own profit.
  6. If Mike brings our child to attend a work function, he won’t be able to see our son until he understands his mistake.

Credit: ETtoday, Weibo (1), IG

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