Mario Eusebio | Biology Scholars Program

My name is Mario Eusebio. I am a BSP alum and transfer student. I transferred from Diablo Valley College in Fall 2013 and graduated in Fall 2015 with a degree in Integrative Biology. After graduating, I worked as a BSP peer advisor from 2015-2016. Now, I am excited to be back as the new program advisor. As an undergraduate, BSP provided me with a sound foundation and supportive community that helped develop, nurture, and maintain my dreams of becoming a physician as I navigated the sciences at Cal. If you ever need to talk about how to acclimate yourself to the academic environment here, how to obtain research or clinical experience, the medical school application process or just simply want to take a break and talk, feel free to drop by anytime during my office hours. I am looking forward to working with BSP again and getting to know you all.

  • Visit the Student Advising Page for my current advising schedule.

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