Many Lives, Many Masters Online Course

Have you ever experienced any of the following?

  • Irrational or debilitating fears 
  • Unexplained or recurring physical pains or sensations 
  • Persistent feelings of panic, anger, guilt or depression 
  • Frequent disturbing thoughts or emotional outbursts 
  • Emotional numbness in situations where most people would have an appropriate reaction 
  • Repeating relationship problems with family, coworkers or friends

Did you know these could be signs that you have unresolved pain from the past? Conflicts from the past, whether from childhood or past lives, can lead to patterns of behavior that keep us stuck and disconnected. It’s important to understand that these limiting patterns are not your fault, but serve as a protective measure to keep you from experiencing more pain. The problem is, we often get stuck in these patterns and eventually become unconscious to these behaviors that result in more pain in our lives, relationships and deep in our souls.

You don’t have to stay stuck anymore. There are some incredibly effective, safe and affordable alternatives that can help you go back in time and release limiting thoughts, fears, behaviors and long-term patterns without using any medication.

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