Long Tran-Thanh

Long Tran-Thanh profile pic

Associate Professor

Room: CS3.17

long dot tran-thanh at warwick dot ac dot uk

Web: https://human-agentlearning.github.io/

Office hours: Mon 11am-12pm, Wed 11am-12pm

Research interests: My main research area is Artificial Intelligence. I am interested

in building complex learning systems where humans and agents have to either:

(i) collaborate to deal with complex real-world problems; or (ii) to strategically act against each other. Given this, I mainly focus on the following topics: online learning/decision making, game theory, incentive engineering, multi-agent systems, and their applications to AI for Social Good.

PhD studentships, internships

Prospective students: I am always looking for bright students with strong maths/stats/CS background. If you want to do a PhD with me then I would expect you to contact me by Sept/Oct. If your enquiries/research topic proposal are inline with my research, I will very likely respond to your email.

Warwick students: If you would like to do an internship with me, the best way to do is through the URSS schemeLink opens in a new window.


  • Deputy Head – Research (dept. of Computer Science, Warwick).
  • Research Champion in AI, Data and Smart Applications (Warwick).
  • Member of the IFAAMAS Board of Directors (2018-2024), the main governing body of the international community of autonomous agents and multiagent systems.
  • Associate editor for the journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (JAAMAS), the flagship journal in multiagent systems research.
  • Member of the AI Advisory Board, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (2020-2030).

Awards and recognitions

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