How to Start a Beauty Blog and Make Money: Your Step-by-Step Guide

How to Start a Beauty Blog and Make Money: Your Step-by-Step Guide

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If you have an interest in fashion and beauty, then creating your own beauty blog could be a great way to turn your passion into revenue. Beauty blogging is a busy niche. However, with the right type of website, hard work, and your unique spin on beauty tips and tricks, there is the potential to make it big. So how do you start a beauty blog?

In this article, we will discuss step by step how to set up and run a successful beauty blog that makes money. Read on for our six key steps that cover…

How to start a beauty blog in six steps

  1. 🚉 Selecting a website platform (we always recommend WordPress).
  2. 💻 Purchasing hosting and a domain.
  3. 🎨 Picking a beauty blogging theme that best fits with your style.
  4. 🔌 Installing plugins to add extra functionality to your site.
  5. ✍️ Creating engaging blog posts.
  6. 💰 Implementing strategies to monetize your beauty blog.

Learn how to create your own #beauty #blog with #WordPress 💄
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So, are you ready to start a beauty blog?

1. Select a website platform

Start a Beauty BlogStart a Beauty Blog

For those new to web design, choosing a website platform to create your blog with can be a daunting task. However, here at Themeisle we always recommend WordPress because, quite frankly, we think WordPress is by far the best option available. Here are just a few reasons why…

  • Totally free – WordPress is a totally free open source content management system, making it a great choice for bloggers. (You will need to pay for hosting and a domain, but the software is free and always will be).
  • Easy to use – WordPress is not only beginner-friendly, but there is also a global community on hand to help guide you through your WordPress journey.
  • Extremely flexible – WordPress is extremely flexible, enabling you to easily customize your site and create a blog to your exact specifications.
  • You own your blog – Unlike many of the hosted website builder platforms out there, once you have created your website with WordPress, you 100% own it.

It is important to note that when we discuss WordPress in this article we are referring to the self-hosted, not – despite the similar names, the two are different things.

2. Purchase hosting and a domain name

If you choose WordPress, you’ll need your own hosting to power the WordPress software. Don’t worry – while this sounds a little complicated, it’s really not, and you don’t need any special technical knowledge to set this up.

For new beauty bloggers, we recommend Bluehost because:

  • It’s affordable. You’ll pay just a few bucks per month, and they’ll even give you a free domain name.
  • It’s easy to use. They make it super easy to install WordPress and give you a custom dashboard that’s really convenient.

Domain names

Bluehost will give you a free domain name, but you’ll still need to choose which domain to use.

Creating the perfect domain name for your new blog can be stressful. You want a unique name that reflects your style or beauty niche, and that is immediately recognizable and memorable to your audience. Try brainstorming beauty keywords that could feature in your domain. Then use a domain name generator to come up with potential names.

Once you have purchased your domain and hosting plan, you will next need to install a WordPress theme that is appropriate for a beauty blog. Let’s find out more about that…

3. Pick a beauty blogging theme

Your WordPress site’s theme controls how it looks.

When Bluehost installs WordPress for you, it uses the default WordPress theme. However, when you start a beauty blog, installing a beauty blogging specific theme is recommended.

A beauty theme will ensure your website looks like a beauty blog, and has all the essential design elements that a site like this may need. You can then customize the content, images, colors, and much more to ensure your site reflects your branding.


There are a range of free and premium WordPress themes that you can select from. Ashe from WP Royal is an impressive free WordPress beauty blogging theme that you can download from the free WordPress repository. Features include…

  • Full-screen slider
  • Selection of page layouts
  • Theme Customizer
  • Promo boxes and banner ad space
  • WooCommerce support

There is also a Pro version of Ashe available, giving you the option of upgrading your website’s theme in the future as your blog grows.

If you want some more options, check out our full collection of fashion/beauty themes 👈

4. Install WordPress plugins

Whereas themes affect your beauty blog’s looks, plugins help you add new functionality.

When you start a beauty blog, there are a number of WordPress plugins that you should consider installing to add extra functionality to your site. Let’s take a look…

  • MetaSlider – Add beautiful images to your blog by adding sliders on pages and posts of your choice. This will help to grab the attention of your readers.
  • Optin Forms – Grow your email list by displaying attractive optin forms to your posts and pages.
  • Instagram Feed – Increase your Instagram followers by displaying your images from social on your beauty blog.

Beyond those beauty-specific plugins, there are also some must-have WordPress plugins that all blogs need.

5. Create your blog posts

An example of a beauty blogAn example of a beauty blog

When you start a beauty blog, there is much to consider. But producing great content should be your top priority. Let’s have a look at some top tips for creating blog articles that make an impact…

  • Unique content – You need to make sure your content is unique and stands out from the crowd. Either pick a niche within the beauty industry to focus on, or add your own interesting spin on topics. Your loyal readers will be the ones who personally connect with you as an individual, so ensure your personality shines through your writing.
  • Images – Stunning, high-quality images will inspire your followers, support your writing, and ensure your articles grab the attention of your audience. You can use Canva to create great-looking images.
  • Videos – Creating videos of you discussing and demonstrating how to use different beauty products can be an effective way to grow your following. Create your own YouTube channel where you can upload your videos and then simply embed them on your blog.

It is important that you create a schedule to ensure that you regularly post a variety of content. Once published, promote your blog articles on social media and to your email list to encourage your target audience to visit your site. This will help you to create regular and loyal followers for your beauty blog.

6. Monetize your beauty blog

Once you have set up your beauty blog, it is now time to monetize it. There are many methods you can use to create revenue from your blog. Let’s have a look…

Affiliate marketing

Amazon Associates can help you monetize a beauty blogAmazon Associates can help you monetize a beauty blog

One of the most successful ways to make money from a beauty blog is through affiliate marketing. You can join relevant affiliate programs and then promote their products on your website. Each time you mention a product, add an affiliate link to your page or post. When your readers click through and purchase the product you will earn a percentage of the sale.

Amazon Associates is an extremely easy to use and potentially profitable affiliate program. You can use the Amazon SiteStripe tool to add affiliate links to any products you mention on your blog. Just make sure you choose high-quality products that you can genuinely vouch for, otherwise you will quickly lose your audience.

Display ads on your site

Selling ad space on your beauty blog can be a great strategy if you are looking to generate recurring monthly revenue. However, this will only be a viable option once your site is receiving lots of traffic.

Make sure that any brand that advertises on your blog reflects your beauty niche. You want any advertisements to enhance your site, and not take away from the user experience.

Create and sell your own products

If you have an eye for design, then creating and selling your own products may be an option once your blog is up and running. WooCommerce is a freemium eCommerce plugin that will enable you to turn your blog into a fully-functioning online store. Concentrate firstly on building up a loyal audience, as you will then have the perfect target market to sell to.

Final thoughts on how to start a beauty blog

There’s a lot to consider when you start a beauty blog. However, if you follow the steps and tips shared in this article, you will be well on your way to creating a successful and profitable blog. Good luck!

Learn how to create your own #beauty #blog with #WordPress 💄
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