Home Page: Kyo Lee

Kyo Lee

Biographical Sketch

Kyo Lee joined JPL as a regular employee after his time as a California Institute of Technology Postdoctoral Scholar.
He has a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
and a B.S. in Earth and Environmental Sciences from Seoul National University in Korea.
While studying atmospheric sciences, Dr. Lee became very interested in statistics.
Dr. Lee has also had extensive experience with stratospheric dynamics,
neural network modeling for satellite remote sensing, atmospheric chemistry, and air quality modeling.
Through the adaptation and extension of previously developed statistical tools,
Dr. Lee currently develops metrics for climate model evaluation.


  • RCMES,
    JPL’s Regional Climate Model Evaluation System
  • MISR, JPL’s Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer
  • MTP (Microwave Temperature Profiler) retrieval concepts

Selected Publications

Kyo Lee joined JPL as a regular employee after his time as a California Institute of Technology Postdoctoral Scholar. He has a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a B.S. in Earth and Environmental Sciences from Seoul National University in Korea. While studying atmospheric sciences, Dr. Lee became very interested in statistics. Dr. Lee has also had extensive experience with stratospheric dynamics, neural network modeling for satellite remote sensing, atmospheric chemistry, and air quality modeling. Through the adaptation and extension of previously developed statistical tools, Dr. Lee currently develops metrics for climate model evaluation.

Soares D., Lee H., Loikith P., Barkhordarian A., and Mechoso C.R. (2016). “Can significant trends in surface air temperature and precipitation be detected over South America?,” International Journal of Climatology.

Loikith, P. C., Waliser, D. E., Lee, H., Kim, J., Neelin, J. D., Lintner, B. R., McGinnis, S., Mattmann, C. A., and Mearns, L. O. (2015). “Surface Temperature Probability Distributions in the NARCCAP Hindcast Experiment: Evaluation Methodology, Metrics, and Results,” Journal of Climate, 28(3), pp. 978-997.

Lee, H., Kim, J., Waliser, D. E., Loikith, P. C., Mattmann, C. A., and McGinnis, S. (2015). “Using joint probability distribution functions to evaluate simulations of precipitation, cloud fraction and insolation in the North America Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP),” Climate Dynamics, 45(1-2), pp. 309-323.

Wuebbles, D., Meehl, G., Hayhoe, K., Karl, T. R., Kunkel, K., Santer, B., Wehner, M., Colle, B., Fischer, E. M., Fu, R., Goodman, A., Janssen, E., Kharin, V., Lee, H., Li, W. H., Long, L. N., Olsen, S. C., Pan, Z. T., Seth, A., Sheffield, J., and Sun, L. Q. (2014). “CMIP5 CLIMATE MODEL ANALYSES Climate Extremes in the United States,” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 95(4), pp. 571-583.

Seo, J., Youn, D., Kim, J. Y., and Lee, H. (2014). “Extensive spatiotemporal analyses of surface ozone and related meteorological variables in South Korea for the period 1999-2010,” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(12), pp. 6395-6415.

Mattmann, C. A., Waliser, D., Kim, J., Goodale, C., Hart, A., Ramirez, P., Crichton, D., Zimdars, P., Boustani, M., Lee, K., Loikith, P., Whitehall, K., Jack, C., and Hewitson, B. (2014). “Cloud computing and virtualization within the regional climate model and evaluation system,” Earth Science Informatics, 7(1), pp. 1-12.

Loikith, P. C., Lintner, B. R., Kim, J., Lee, H., Neelin, J. D., and Waliser, D. E. (2013). “Classifying reanalysis surface temperature probability density functions (PDFs) over North America with cluster analysis,” Geophysical Research Letters, 40(14), pp. 3710-3714.

Loikith, P. C., Lintner, B. R., Kim, J., Lee, H., Neelin, J. D., and Waliser, D. E. (2013). “Classifying reanalysis surface temperature probability density functions (PDFs) over North America with cluster analysis,” Geophysical Research Letters, 40(14), pp. 3710-3714.

Lee, H., Olsen, S. C., Wuebbles, D. J., and Youn, D. (2013). “Impacts of aircraft emissions on the air quality near the ground,” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13(11), pp. 5505-5522.

Kim, J., Waliser, D. E., Mattmann, C. A., Mearns, L. O., Goodale, C. E., Hart, A. F., Crichton, D. J., McGinnis, S., Lee, H., Loikith, P. C., and Boustani, M. (2013). “Evaluation of the Surface Climatology over the Conterminous United States in the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program Hindcast Experiment Using a Regional Climate Model Evaluation System,” Journal of Climate, 26(15), pp. 5698-5715.

Lee, H., Youn, D., Patten, K. O., Olsen, S. C., and Wuebbles, D. J. (2012). “Diagnostic tools for evaluating quasi-horizontal transport in global-scale chemistry models,” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 117.

Youn, D., Patten, K. O., Wuebbles, D. J., Lee, H., and So, C. W. (2010). “Potential impact of iodinated replacement compounds CF3I and CH3I on atmospheric ozone: a three-dimensional modeling study,” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10(20), pp. 10129-10144.

Youn, D., Choi, W., Lee, H., and Wuebbles, D. J. (2006). “Interhemispheric differences in changes of long-lived tracers in the middle stratosphere over the last decade,” Geophysical Research Letters, 33(3).

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