Mike Angelo Reaches Custody Agreement with Sarah Casinghini Over Son, Maxwell

After a tense and public custody battle over his son, Maxwell, Thai actor, Mike Angelo, revealed on March 4 that he finally reached a custody agreement with ex-girlfriend, Sarah Casinghini. Since last September, Mike Angelo revealed Maxwell’s mother, Sarah Casinghini, blocked him from seeing their son. Mike Angelo took Sarah Casinghini to court to get joint custody of Maxwell and to be legally recognized as his father. After several rounds of mediation, both parties reached a custody agreement on March 4.

xMike Angelo Sues Ex-Girlfriend, Sarah Casinghini, for Not Letting Him See Their Son, Maxwell

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Mike Angelo spoke to the media on March 4 after the custody agreement with Sarah Casinghini was finalized. He also posted on Instagram confirming he is now legally listed as Maxwell’s father, saying, “I became my son’s legal father today. Thankful to everyone who supported and encouraged us father and son.”

Mike Angelo Withdraws Petition to Get Joint Custody of Son, Maxwell

The terms of the agreement are as follows:

  1. Mike Angelo is certified as Maxwell’s legal father. Sarah Casinghini will keep sole custody of Maxwell.
  2. Maxwell will continue studying at his current school in Phuket. The tuition will be split in half between Sarah Casinghini and Mike Angelo from grades 1-6. Mike will directly pay the school instead of Sarah Casinghini’s father. They requested to pay her father directly on the grounds that they would get a discount as they have two relatives who also study there. However, Mike Angelo checked with the school and they said no matter who pays, the discount won’t be affected. Mike Angelo will be responsible in handling Maxwell’s schooling and tuition expenses starting from grade 7 to college.
  3. Mike Angelo will be responsible for Maxwell’s health insurance, life insurance, and will set up a savings fund for when he enters college.
  4. Sarah Casinghini will be solely responsible for Maxwell’s everyday expenses.
  5. Mike Angelo requested to see Maxwell at least three times a month, but it was negotiated down to twice a month. The amount of days he can see Maxwell per visit was not stipulated, but he must give Sarah Casinghini 5 days notice prior to the visit or else she has the right to deny his request.

Credit: Taiguo, IG (1, 2)

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