Jordan Green

In From the Ashes, Jordan attempts to act as an intermediary between the Adjusters and the other factions on Sanctum. With the Adjusters demanding proof that Russell Lightbourne is safe, Clarke sends in Jordan as a compromise as everyone trusts him. Jordan attempts to convince the depressed Russell to eat, drink or sleep without success before returning to Russell Priya’s Mind Drive. Russell quickly realizes that Jordan has been Adjusted and suspects that Jordan has been brainwashed into believing in the divinity of the Primes. However, Jordan states that he does not believe in the Primes and simply believes that Russell is only just a man who made bad choices. Jordan reveals that he saw the Temporal Anomaly while under the influence of the Blood of Sanctum and the two discuss their fascination with it. Russell suggests that it is Jordan’s duty now to figure it out before destroying Priya’s Mind Drive and ordering Jordan out unless Jordan is willing to kill him. Jordan departs, leaving Russell alone once again.

Jordan continues to act as an intermediary with the Adjusters, though his efforts earn him scorn when things take a bad turn. After Clarke inadvertently sets the palace on fire, Jordan can be seen recovering from smoke inhalation as Clarke delivers a speech declaring a new future for Sanctum and the execution of Russell the next day. Standing near Clarke on the balcony during her speech, Jordan watches the crowd cheer in shock and exchanges a look with Trey.

In Hesperides, Jordan joins Raven in examining the armor of a dead Disciple, commenting that the last time that they had worked together, they realized that Sanctum was a moon and not a planet. Jordan reveals that he has been stabbed since then, causing Raven to apologize for not coming for Jordan sooner. One of Jordan’s comments causes Raven to realize that the armor is controlled by thought and she discovers from the HUD that the Anomaly is a wormhole and that Clarke is in trouble.

Later, as Clarke, Niylah, Gaia and Nathan Miller are in a standoff with the Disciples, Jordan suddenly interrupts to their surprise. Jordan orders his friends to duck as Raven, wearing the Disciple armor and cloaked, kills all of the Disciples with the armor’s weapons. Noticing Raven’s upset state, Jordan comforts her, but Raven states that she just killed eight people which is not okay. Jordan joins all but Gaia in traveling through the Anomaly in search of their friends, receiving a gun from Gaia as he departs. Arriving on the ice planet of Nakara, Jordan suggests moving to the next world only to have Raven state that they need an Anomaly Stone which they don’t have, leaving the group stranded on Nakara.

In Nakara, Raven examines her armor’s HUD and learns that they are on Nakara which has a function of Ossuarium as Clarke calls for their missing friends and they realize that they are on the wrong planet though Niylah quips that she thinks the planet is “pretty cool” in a joke about Nakara’s frozen state. Raven locates the Anomaly Stone 2 kilometers away in a cave using the armor’s HUD. Clarke spots something in the snow nearby and she and Raven uncover a body wrapped in a burial shroud. Raven realizes that Ossuarium means a burial ground and recognizes the symbol on the shroud from the star map, giving them the right planet to travel to next. Uncovering the body’s face, Clarke discovers that it is that of a human and not an alien as Jordan had hoped. The group sets out across the ice field to find the Anomaly Stone and get their friends back.

Reaching the cave entrance, Raven leads her friends inside, telling them that the Stone is 200 meters away. Raven activates a light in her helmet and begins making her way towards the Stone, commenting that she hopes none of the group is claustrophobic as they are forced to crawl through a narrow tunnel. The group realizes that it suddenly smells while Raven states that the temperature is up 50 degrees from the surface which she figures means that there is a thermal heat source of some kind down there. As the group approaches an opening, they begin hearing strange noises and Raven spots something moving ahead of her. As Raven stops, knowing that something is down there, a spider-like creature attacks, chewing at Raven’s helmet. Finally, Raven deploys her armor’s blade and strikes at the creature, forcing it to retreat, but leaving Raven’s helmet damaged.

Needing to reach the Stone, Raven leads the others through the opening into a larger chamber where she removes her helmet and catches her breath. Raven brushes off Jordan’s questions about the creature as she examines her damaged helmet, but Niylah discovers that the tunnel opening has suddenly sealed behind them, preventing the group from retreating to the surface. When Jordan touches the wall where the opening used to be, he discovers that it is acidic and Raven states that they aren’t going that way anyway, puts her helmet back on and continues leading the group towards the Anomaly Stone.

Raven eventually leads the group to within 40 meters of the Stone, but reaches a dead end with the Stone on the other side of a wall. As Raven suggests backtracking to find another route, Jordan states that its not a good idea as the sounds of more of the creatures are heard. Suddenly, the ground shakes and another wall separates Raven and Clarke from Jordan, Miller and Niylah. Miller and Jordan desperately call out for Clarke and Raven who, at the same time, realize that they are not in a cave but instead a living organism. Together, Miller and Jordan bang on the wall, but Niylah orders them to stop, pointing out how useless it is and stating that they need to think of something else. Under attack by more of the spider-like creatures, the three open fire, causing the creature they are inside of to shift again and reopen the wall between the two groups.

The group discovers that this latest shift has also opened the path to the Anomaly Stone. However, Raven discovers that her damaged helmet makes the map too blurry to read and struggles to identify the correct planet from the symbol discovered on the burial shroud. Raven attempts to think the map into focus and refuses to just pick another planet at random and risk ending up on the wrong one as Niylah insists that she should do. Looking at a piece of cloth on the ground, Miller realizes that the symbol on it looks familiar and draws Niylah’s attention to it. Niylah is shocked to recognize the symbol as that of the Second Dawn, the cult that built the bunker in Polis. Niylah questions how there could be people there from the bunker, but Miller suggests that it has to be just a coincidence.

With more of the creatures approaching, Miller, Niylah, Jordan and Clarke hold them off as Raven finally locates the right code and opens the Anomaly which scares off the creatures. Clarke orders everyone to have their weapons ready as they don’t know what’s waiting for them on the other side and leads them through the Anomaly.

In The Queen’s Gambit, the group arrives on Bardo where, to their shock and grief, Gabriel reveals Bellamy’s apparent death.

In A Little Sacrifice, Jordan and Niylah remain behind in the Anomaly Stone room with Bill Cadogan and Gabriel Santiago as Clarke, Miller and Raven search for their friends. Cadogan shows the three logs left behind by the native Bardoans talking about the last war that the Disciples believe will lead them to transcendence. After Cadogan is gone, Jordan goes through the logs and realizes that the language might be structured like Korean which Monty had taught him. As a result, Jordan thinks that the Disciples mistranslated the logs which Jordan translates to suggest not a last war but a test for a single individual who enters the code into the Stone while representing their entire species. Jordan insists that this makes more sense than a war and Gabriel decides to have them keep it to themselves as Bill Cadogan is not the right man to represent humanity in such a test if Jordan is in fact right.

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