

Battling is a major feature of OwO Bot, allowing you to battle against random players (PvE) for XP, or your friends (PvP) for fun.

Battling is a major feature of OwO Bot, allowing you to battle against random players (PvE) for XP, or against your friends (PvP) for fun. You need to battle and get 3 Weapon Crates to complete the daily Checklist.

When your team battles an opponent, each animal has two options! They can either 1. Deal physical damage or 2. Use their weapon.

1. Physical damage is calculated by Physical Attack.pngPhysical Attack(STR). The opponent’s Physical Resistance.pngPhysical Resistance(PR) will negate some of this damage.

2. There are several types of weapons. Most of them will deal damage depending on your Magical Attack.pngMagical Attack(MAG). The opponent’s Magical Resistance.pngMagical Resistance(MR) will negate some of this damage. Most weapons will require some Weapon Points.pngWeapon Points(WP) to use! Try not to run out! You can check what each weapon does by the command ‘owo weapon {weaponID}’.

When attacking an opponent, the animal will choose a random animal to attack, unless it has a weapon that works differently. Every time you lose, your Team earns 50 Experience Points (XP). If you tie against someone, your team earns 100 Experience Points. If you win against someone whose Pets’ Levels are lower or equivalent to your Team, your Team will earn 200 Experience Points. If the opponent’s Team was a higher level than your Team, you will earn bonus Experience Points, depending on how much higher their Pets’ Levels were. You will also earn bonus Experience Points for every 10 sucsessive wins of a streak, earning more for higher streaks.

To battle against your friends, type .

You can also include flags, which are lvl(1-100), logs (loglink), amount of cowoncy bet.

Battling has a cooldown of 15 seconds before you are able to battle again.

Betting during friendly battles has been removed.

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