From the Ground Up: Buddhism and East Asian Religions

NGUYEN, Thi Hien got her Bachelor of Literature and Russian in Russia in 1987, Master in 1999 and Ph.D. in 2002 in folklore with a minor in religious studies at Indiana University, USA. Then, she worked as a postdoc fellow at American Museum of Natural History in New York (2003) and at University of California in Los Angeles, California, USA (2004). She was appointed as an associate professor in 2012. Currently, she works as an associate professor at Viet Nam National University in Hanoi (Please She is also selected as a member of the evaluation body, UNESCO’s Convention 2003 in the terms of 2012-2014, 2017-2020. She is  interested in doing research on religious practices, cultural heritage and transnationalism.

Her selected books include:

-2016, The Religion of Four Palaces: Mediumship and Therapy in Viet Culture. The Gioi Publishing House.

– 2011, Spirits Without Borders: The Legacy of Vietnamese Mediumship in a Transnational Era (co-authored with Karen Fjelstad). Palgrave Macmillan.

– 2006, Possessed by the Spirits: Mediumship in Contemporary Vietnamese Communities (co-edited with Dr. Karen Fjelstad). Cornell Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University.

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