Journal Articles

Kim, M., Kim, Y. D., & Lee, H.-W. (2020). It is time to consider athletes’ well-being and performance satisfaction: The roles of authentic leadership and psychological capital. Sport Management Review, 23(5), 964-977.

Lee, H.-W., Cho, H., Lasko, E., Kim, J. W., & Kwon, W. (2020). From knowing the game to enjoying the game: EEG/ERP assessment of emotional processing. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 21(2), 305-323.

Lee, H.-W., Cho, H., Newell, E., & Kwon, W. (2020). How multiple identities shape behavioral intention: Place and team identification on spectator attendance. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 21(4), 719-734.

Lee, H.-W., Kim, S., & Liew, J. (Advance online publication). Spectator sports as context for examining observers’ agreeableness, social identification, and empathy in a high-stakes conflict situation. Psychological Reports. https://doi.org/10.1177/0033294120948228 [published with student]

Uhm, J.-P., Lee, H.-W., & Han, J.-W. (2020). Creating sense of presence in a virtual reality experience: Impact on neurophysiological arousal and attitude towards a winter sport. Sport Management Review, 23(4), 588-600. [published with student]

Cho, H., Koh, E. C., & Lee, H.-W. (2019). Nostalgia, motivation, and intention for international football stadium tourism. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 24(9), 912-923.

Cho, H., Lee, H.-W., & Pyun, D. Y. (2019). The influence of stadium environment on attendance intentions in spectator sport: The moderating role of team loyalty. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 20(2), 276-290.

Kim, Y., Magnusen, M. J., Kim, M., & Lee, H.-W. (2019). Meta-analytic review of sport consumption: Factors affecting attendance to sporting events. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 28(3), 117-134.

Shin, S., Chiu W., & Lee, H.-W. (2019). Impact of the social benefits of intramural sports on Korean students’ quality of college life and loyalty: A comparison between lowerclassmen and upperclassmen. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 28(3), 181-192.

Shin, S, Chiu W., & Lee, H.-W. (2018). For a better campus sporting experience: Scale development and validation of the collegiate sportscape. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 22, 22-30.

Cho, H., Lee, H.-W., Moore, D., Norman, W., & Ramshaw, G. (2017). A multilevel approach to scale development in sport tourist nostalgia. Journal of Travel Research, 56(8), 1094-1106.

Kim, J. W., Magnusen, M. J., & Lee, H.-W. (2017). Existence of mixed emotions during consumption of a sporting event: A real-time measure approach. Journal of Sport Management. 31(4), 360-373.

Lee, H.-W., Gipson, C., & Barnhill, C. R. (2017). Experience of spectator flow and perceived stadium atmosphere: Moderating role of team identification. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 26(2), 87-98.

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