
Deadly little Miho.

— Dwight

Miho is a mute female assassin of Japanese descent in Frank Miller’s Sin City series. Along with Gail, she serves as an enforcer and defender of Old Town. She is often referred to as “Deadly Little Miho” by Dwight McCarthy in his narrations. To date, she has appeared in 3 of the Sin City yarns.

Nothing much is known about Miho’s past, except that three years before she was saved by Dwight McCarthy in an attack by Tong gangsters. As Dwight himself explains to Goldie and Wendy, “three of the Tong who attacked Miho were dead by her hand. But the last two had her dead to rights. Point blank range.” Because of this incident, she owes a life debt of honor to Dwight, and subsequently he is the only male character she is ever shown to have any non lethal interaction with, even taking orders from him at one point. It would appear they have some sort of friendship, as he is also the only character she ever shows any physical affection towards.After Dwight is shot multiple times and he discovers Ava Lord has been manipulating him to commit murder, he flees to Old Town. He seeks refuge from Gail, and in order to gain the help of the Girls of Old Town, he tells the story of saving Miho’s life from Tong gangsters. As according to honor, the girls are obligated to help him in his plan for revenge. Miho is instrumental during the fight with Manute at Ava Lord’s estate, stopping him from reaching Dwight and crucifying him through the arms with her twin swords. This leads Manute to have a great disdain for the Old Town girls.

Miho is seen stamping on a man while he is down in an alley as Jim tries to escape The Colonel who is stalking him.

Her murderous actions causes a possible war between the police and the girls of Old Town, when she slaughters a cop, known as Jackie-Boy. Dwight then discovers that Jack was a police officer. As an attempt to prevent a war between the Old Town girls and the police, Dwight tries to dispose of Jack’s body in the tar pits. Upon arrival, he is attacked by some Irish mercenaries that are sent by Wallenquist. During the fight, Dwight accidentally sinks into the tar, and prays to God not to let him die. Miraculously, he is saved by Miho, who manages to pull him with her foot attached to a chain at the back of a car and she drags him just in time from the pits.

Miho and Dwight get involved in a mob war between the families of Don Magliozzi and Boss Wallenquist, after being told about a recent mob hit. Dwight is soon kidnapped by Vito, who is the nephew of Magliozzi, and is driven toward the Projects. Unknown to the hitmen is that Miho has been following Dwight to make sure that he is protected. Upon mention, Miho kills Spinelli, one of the goons, and they park in a hilltop rest area, overlooking the Projects. There, Miho “toys” with one of the hit-men as Dwight tells Vito to kill the other hit-man, which is Vito’s own brother Lucca. After Miho and Dwight are through, they head straight to Sacred Oaks to confront Don Magliozzi, driven by Vito. Miho simply cuts through the guards and Dwight makes his appearance. He tells the Don he is going to die along with Vito for the accidental death of Carmen, one of the Old Town girls. Miho wears roller-skates constantly in this story and seems to fight as effectively on these as she normally does on foot. For some reason, in this story, but none of the others, Miho is drawn as entirely white, defined by thin, black outlines, even though everyone else has detailed shadows and shading. This gives the strange impression that she glows with a ghostly light.

Wendy is setting a trap for a man they suspect is ‘carving up’ girls in Old Town. The enigmatic “Cowboy” is captured by the allure of Wendy and subsequently shot and tied up by Gail. Although the Cowboy is willing to confess to the cops, the girls have other plans and invite Miho to finish the job.

Portrayed by Devon Aoki.

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (film)

Portrayed by Jamie Chung

Miho was portrayed by actress Jamie Chung in the 2014 sequel.


  • Frank Miller has described both Miho and Kevin as supernatural beings due to them being mute. However while he’s described as the bad demon, Miho has been described as the good demon. 
  • According to the Sin City Double DVD Edition, Frank Miller (who enjoyed the Kill Bill movies) ret-conned Miho’s katanas to be have been forged by legendary sword-smith Hattori Hanzo through the suggestion of Robert Rodriguez (who is friends with Kill Bill director Quentin Tarantino). Point in fact, the weapons used by Devon Aoki during filming were literally two of the swords used by O-Ren Ishii’s army The Crazy 88 in ”Volume 1″, usually kept in Quentin Tarantino’s garage collection.


Wendy. goldie mihoWendy. goldie miho

Miho in ADTKF..Miho in ADTKF..

Miho rooftop kcickMiho rooftop kcick

Throw the shurikenThrow the shuriken


Miho in the TBFKMiho in the TBFK

With dying JBWith dying JB


Miho attacks the mercenariesMiho attacks the mercenaries

Family values mihoFamily values miho

Keeping an eye on dwightKeeping an eye on dwight

Sin City (film)


Comparison of MihoComparison of Miho


Not a good street for Trick or Treating.Not a good street for Trick or Treating.

Looks can be deceiving.Looks can be deceiving.

SS posterSS poster


Watching BeckyWatching Becky

Watching the carWatching the car

With the shurikenWith the shuriken

Miho jumpsMiho jumps

Miho. deadly little...Miho. deadly little...

Watching a dead JackWatching a dead Jack

Blood covered faceBlood covered face





In the car !!In the car !!

Watches the grenadeWatches the grenade

Befire detonationBefire detonation



Before killing schutzBefore killing schutz

After killing manuteAfter killing manute

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For


Is it possible that someone could have killed her Is it possible that someone could have killed her

A shooting star you don't want to watch.A shooting star you don't want to watch.

Miho DtKF-1Miho DtKF-1


Deadly mihoDeadly miho

Gilda, sally, mihoGilda, sally, miho

2536 sin city2536 sin city

Miho entersMiho enters

Miho is summonedMiho is summoned

Recognize dRecognize d

After killing boogardAfter killing boogard

Miho fires her arrowsMiho fires her arrows


Miiho atack!!Miiho atack!!

About to run awayAbout to run away

Throws away bowThrows away bow

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